Competing with QSRs (Not So Hard, Really)

[Posted by Maureen Azzato to NACS Online]

Making the case for why convenience stores are better at serving their customers, this article points to an all-dayparts, multiple category advantage that c-stores have over quick-service restaurants–something that operators shouldn't forget about as they strategize how to stay competitive against QSR pricing promotions.

While it takes a lot of discipline for convenience stores not to chase every QSR price promotion, Higgins said it is critical to remain focused on your strategy and to remember —and remind your customers —what makes convenience stores unique. "C-stores take care of people’s needs 24/7 in every daypart," he said. "In fact, in the morning a customer can buy breakfast, but can also buy their lunch for later in the day or groceries for dinner, not to mention fuel, lottery, cigarettes...QSRs can’t do that. We have to better leverage the aspects of our business that differentiate us."